Always qualify your SQL columns

Consider the following PostgreSQL query. There’s something wrong with it.

UPDATE users
SET passwordHash = '...'
WHERE email = (
  SELECT email
  FROM resets
  WHERE resetSecret = '...'

You can’t tell what’s wrong with this query unless I give you the table schema, of course. Let’s say the users table has the columns id, email, passwordHash, and some other fields. Let’s say the resets table has two columns – id and resetSecret. When a user asks to reset their password, we populate resets table with a tuple with id as their email’s ID and resetSecret as some random string.

You happily run the above query and it goes horribly wrong and everybody’s passwordHash got reset. Now that you have context, what’s wrong with the above query?

Answer: There’s no email column in the resets table1. We should be using the id column to select the row to update, not the email column.

And do you want to know the worst part? Postgres (and basically every SQL flavour) will silently accept this query and you’ll never see a damned error. But what’s really happening?

Postgres knows that the resets table does not have an email column. So it assumes the email on line 4 refers to the column in the users table. Here’s what Postgres sees:

UPDATE users
SET users.passwordHash = '...'
  FROM resets
  WHERE resets.resetSecret = '...'

Let’s say there’s a row in resets that matches the resets.resetSecret = '...' condition in the subquery. In the outer query, when going through each row in users, the subquery will return that row’s email column value. This returned email is checked with itself in line 3, which obviously returns true. As a result, the update is applied to every row in the users table.

Why did this mistake happen? Human error and oversight. If we had qualified our query as we had originally intended, it would look like this:

UPDATE users
SET users.passwordHash = '...'
  FROM resets
  WHERE resets.resetSecret = '...'

The key difference is in line 4. While we had intended to write, omitting the table qualifier allowed Postgres to assume wrongly. The above query would properly return an error at execution because there is no email column in the resets table.

This is a real story that happened to me (thankfully, the impact wasn’t too massive). I know it’s easier to just drop the table. prefix in the interest of brevity and clarity. I know human error isn’t completely eliminated even if you qualify your columns. But it gives us a much better chance of not committing such errors, and honestly, we could use any help we can get in the war against bugs.

  1. If you answered correctly, would you still be able to do the same at 2:00am in the night when you’re dead tired?